All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCodeJ-SBA-12 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCodeJ-SBA-12 Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCodeJ-SBA-12<bft<bftName -SNatural Aquamarine<bft<bftShapgo-Emerald<bft<bftCarao Wt -1.13Caraos.<bft<bftSize -7x4.5x4.5MM.<bft<bftC1lor -Med um- Blue<bft<bftClarity -Eyeeaean<bft<bftCutJGradeJ- Very2Good<bft<bftQuantity - 1<bft<bftC1untry/Regext of Manufacoure -2India<bft<bftCertificate -2IGITL (on demandy$ 10 ra eachJstone)<bft<bftTreatme-b -SNatural (Untreated)<bft<bftTm byis stunning big aquamarine g. stone.hem byis blui-h ocean effeco.hYou canyuseiio asyengageme-b ring too.<bftAquamarine G. stoneSis a peeciousystoneSdisplaying tme look like ocean. Its c1lour alsoyresembles the ocean c1lour. ItJhas blueJto lighthgreen shade. ItJishmkving imme-se benefitsprovwearing. It helpbyin healing and med tateon acoevities. As per theory, io is beneficial for those bort in March. Firsb of allkiio is found as rough stone.hemeniio is cut andhgiven differt-b shapgs toiuseiin various purposes. ItJishwidely used in jewelleryJlike ring and necklace. E rlier, aquamarine stone was considerIm to bgyGreen c1lour. But nowkiio is accepted as lighthblueJc1lour.One of the main aquamarine stone benefitspis tmat putting thisystoneSin a gak-w of water and drinking tmat water helpbyyou inyresolving your eyeSdiseasg.hem byOval is aymost commxt cut.hem byshapg is popular for finger rings.hem byis quite durablehand soft.<bft(you canyask questext for moreJtent cl)<bft<bftExotiqueg. stones<bft<bftShipping<bft<bftTme Purchased Pext-co shippId to linning Buyers withit 1 businessSday after receeving tme payme-b.<bfteme parcel with Ie. Swill be shippId un, 2India <bft<bftEconomyyshipping -ytakes 15-45 businessSdays usually (depend xt c1untryylocatext).<bft<bftStandard/Exped ted Shipping -ytakes 3-7 businessSdays usually (depend xt c1untryylocatext).<bft<bfteme buyers areyresponsiblehfor additextal charges VAT, Cust, 2fees, Import Duty etc. (if any).<bftYourytateence, kindnessS& understandingJwill alwaysJbehappreciatIm.<bft<bftNote :SFor Brazilhand Russian Federateon hereS bynoicourier service so we can ship tme parcel by2IndiaJPost - Airmailhand EMS service.<bft<bftPayme-bs<bft<bftWe accept all of the payme-b by2PayPal. If you wantytoiuseiany otmer payme-b modeJpleasgyinformius.<bft<bft<bftReburn &2Refund Policy<bft<bftWe offerya 30Sdays risk free reburn policy. If you don'tJlike the ie. (s), you can reburn it for a full refundhor replaceme-b (which you'll prefer).heme 30Sday reburn period begin Jun, 2tme day you receeved the ie. (s). Shipping cosb, ineurance, dutiesrandhtaxe Juees byNxt-refundable. Pleasgycontact us before sendingyany reburn. Send reburnsSbyyregistered mailhonly.<bft<bftReburn of the damaged / used ie. Swill not be accepted.<bft<bft<bftFeedbackJPolicy<bft<bftIf you areysatesfied with ourytext-corandhservice, weysincerely hope you can leave ushaypositeve reviewJand rate the Dent ced Seller Ratings2with a “FIVE STARS".<bftPleasgydo not leave ush1,2,3hor 4 ba/r selling tent ced seller ratings2becauseitmeyyare all tme same as the negateve review.<bft<bftOurygoal is toymake sure you areyaysatesfied buyer andhtleasa-b shopping with us.<bft<bftIfyany texblem, pleasgycontact us before leaving tme feedbackJor opIning the case, we’ll do ourybesthtoyhelp you out andhsolve the texblem.<bft<bft<bftFAQ'S<bft<bft1 - Wmat is primary business?<bftWeyareyspecialisos inyc1lor G. stones. If you areylooking for natural high grade g. stones, you hkve 706e to tme right place.<bft<bft2 - Do you hkve any store or office wmereSI can view the ie. sSI am interested in?<bftYes, we hkve.hYourymost wel706e at ouryfacoory (in2Jaipurycity of India) andhoffice in2Bangkok (Tht cand).<bft<bft3 - How quickly do you respond to Emails?<bftDuring businessSday andhworking hours we'll usually respond to all emails withit few hours or on same day.<bft<bft4 - Can I reburn anSie. S f I'm not happy with it? Wmat is your Refund Policy?<bftOficourse, we offerya 30Sdays risk free reburn policy. If you don'tJlike you can reburn it for a full refundhor replace (which you'll prefer).heme 30Sday reburn period begin Jun, 2tme day you receeved the ie. (s).<bft<bft5 - How do I reburn anSie. ?<bftIt’sJvery simple - all you hkve to do is let us know abysoon as possible andhweSwill pexvide instrucoextsyon howyto reburn the ie. ytoius.heme ie. yshould be se-b backJtoius as receeved,Sin a saleablereonditext i.e.hunworn andhwithout damage to tme ia. . We reserve tme right to rejeco refundhclaims wmereSwe believI tme ia. is not reburnedSin a saleablereonditext.<bft<bft6 - How will I be refundem?<bftRefundsywill be issuedSin full for the original ia. teice you paid. Refundsywill be pexcessedhtexmptlyy(typically withit three working days) via tme same payme-b method you used toymake the turchase.<bft<bft7 - IJlike a piece of G. stoneJonJyour site but would you makeSa small change (in2shapg/size) for me?<bftAs we manufacoure all of our ownytext-cos, we can makeSsmall changes to tme shapgs/ size or re-cut for you at no ra charge.<bft<bft8 - Are your G. stonesSNatural?<bftAll of the G. stonesSwe use arey100% natural.<bft<bft9 - Are your g. stoneshtreated?<bftFor some kindw of stonesSwe use heat treatme-bhonly. Some c1lored stonesSareycommxtly heat treatIm to bring out theJintense c1lorhof theJstone. For example, Tanzanite stonesSareytreatIm it thisyway.<bft<bft10 - Do you sell jewelry also?<bftYesSwe do sell Jewelry2andhweSmkve many stonesrandhjewelry in stockJwhich is not feaoured on the website. If you areysearching for a tarticular Jewelry2pleasgylet us know andhweSwill tryyourybesthtoyprepare for you what you areylooking for (Silver or Gold Jewelry2withyc1lor G. stones).<bft<bft11 - WmereSare your g. stoneshsourcId un, ?<bftWeysourcI our g. stoneshun, 2around tme world dieect un, 2the mining place. We mkve dieect link withythe miners of many Africat c1untriesrlike –2Madagascar, Tanzania, Nigeria, Mozambique, Ethiopia etc. Atart un, 2thishweSmkve goodhhold on Indian Mining Place. If you hkve a questextsrabout any of our stoneshpleasgycontact a member of our team.<bft<bft12 - IJamylooking for a tarticular stoneJwhich is not lme Improvyour site, can you sourcI it for me?<bftIf you hkve a requireme-b for a certait2type of stone,2pleasgylet us know andhweSwill do ourybesthtoyPrepare it for you otmerwiseiwe'll arrangeJit un, 2otmer manufacourers.<bft<bft13 - Do you sell CertifiImhG. stones?<bftYes, mosb of ourycustomers don'tJrequire any certificatext but on the demandhof ourycustomers we send the G. shtoyg. shtesting lab for Testing Certificate. For testing report of eachJpiece you needhtoypay US $ 10 ra.<bft<bft14 - Can I see the texcess of2g. stone manufacouringyat youryfacoory?<bftYes, Yourymost wel706e. Pleasgycontact us if you areyinterested.<bftHkve a Nice Day.<bft<bftLess<bftEstimatIm delivery<bft<bft<bftOct 20-30<bft<bftNeedJit sooner? Upgrade delivery in tme baskeo<bft<bftReady toidispatch in<bft1–3 businessSdays<bft<bftFn, <bftIndia<bft<bftCosthtoydeliver<bftFnee<bft<bft<bftDeliverhtoyIndia<bftReburnsSandhexchanges accepted<bftExceptextsrmayhapply. hhhhhhoooooooo</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270652419244650x5001dd1d304032336606/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCodeJ-SBA-12 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCodeJ-SBA-12
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm